Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Double Brew" Doubles Expectations

New Castle Double Brew Doubles Expectations

“I believe nicotine plus caffeine equals protein,” professional golfer John Daly once proclaimed for the media. Unfortunately we know this isn’t true, but I’m sure many of us wish it were. If you add alcohol to the mix though, you may end up with a new chemical reaction for muscle building: the kinds of muscles that forge unforgettable memories. And this year’s first annual Double Brew, hosted by Two Rivers Artisan Coffee, in downtown New Castle provided just the right concoction of delicious beers, tasty coffees, full-flavored cigars, fine arts and any combination of the like you could conceive.
   I’ll be blunt: the Double Brew doubled my expectations, which were already astronomically high.  Volunteers and workers were scattered throughout New Castle’s marvelous Riverplex, pouring coffee and/or craft beer, serving buffet-style hors d’oeuvres, promoting cigars or performing live exhibitions and displaying varying forms of art.  However, the best part of the night was the “double brew.”

   Hector Marquez and Cassie Shore perfected the “double brew” by producing some wonderfully unique combinations of Two Rivers’ coffees and varying types of alcohol. Hector worked his black magic with Voodoo Brewing’s beer and TR’s carefully-selected coffees from Intelligentsia.  Meanwhile, Cassie was conjuring up ancient spirits of her own by mixing flavored hard liquor and hario-system pour-overs. Beyond the delicious double-brews and craft beers available, other artists and aficionados plied their trades throughout the night.
   Cigars, live paintings, art exhibits and clay pottery were also available to stimulate the senses in place of, or in addition to, chemical substances. Slippery Rock Cigars offered their knowledge of tasty tobaccos, including some flavored cigars of mango and mint chocolate chip, though their more traditional offerings satisfied my palate just fine (and complemented the rest of the night splendidly). Another artist, Thomas McNickle, created a lasting memory of the night by painting with Two Rivers’ coffees and giving it to the highest bidder during a Chinese Auction, which also featured various local artists, businesses and organizations that donated goods and services. The Hoyt Center, a co-sponsor of the event, also assisted by adding a unique artistic element to a fine charitable event, benefiting New Castle’s fireworks celebration in July 2014.
   New Castle’s fist ever Double Brew was a fantastic charity event that mixed all of the best aspects of local artists, businesses and connoisseurs of their respective crafts. I look forward to the next event down at the Riverplex and especially next year’s Double Brew, which although fantastic this year, has room to grow and excel even further.
   If you're interested in any more information about Voodoo's Wynona's Big Brown Ale, Two Rivers' Aristan coffees, the Hoyt Center, or any other parts of this article that caught your attention, let me know and I'll be more than happy to tell you about them, or point you in the proper direction.

Thanks for reading,

Coming soon
Tasting notes of Hector's and Cassie's delicious mixes.
Slideshow pictures of the event

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