Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beer of the Week 4/9--4/15: Full Pint Rye Rebellion

Full Pint's Rye Rebellion:

The label reads "Western PA has a rebellious past regarding whiskey, especially rye whiskey. In honor of the brave men who stood up to the tax collector we have created Rye Rebellion, an imperial stout brewed with four different types of rye and aged in rye whiskey barrels."

It's brewed with "Malts: Pils, Crystal, Aromatic, Roasted Rye, Crystal Rye, Flaked Rye, Chocolate Rye and; Hops: Columbus and Tettnang."
AbV: 11%

My review (on Beer Advocate):
Appearance: Pitch black, no visible light coming through the beer. Thin tan head that disappears almost immediately

Aroma: Whiskey aromas are dominant. Faint hints of chocolate, maybe some roasted malts. Some noticeable alcohol is present in the nose too.

Taste: this beer starts with whiskey and a gritty rye flavor that competes with chocolate and alcohol for full attention of the palate. The former pair narrowly edges the latter, though it’s a fairly tight contest that suggests a very well balanced beer. As the drink warms, some sweet touches of caramel are faintly detectable.

Mouthfeel: The gritty rye flavors are mitigated by the chocolate malts. A stinging mouthfeel from whiskey and rye is rapidly laid to rest by smooth chocolate and roasty flavors, but makes a brief appearance on the back of the palate. The lingering flavor is light alcohol and chocolate.

Overall, this is a pretty good beer. I’d prefer either: 1) some more full-bodied whiskey flavor (though I’m not a whiskey drinker); or 2) more malts and less whiskey. The beer seems to be caught in between the two areas, though it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I certainly appreciate this beer for what it’s worth.

Final Rating: 3.81

Full Pint has really risen in my list of favorite locals lately. This is certainly one of them. It's a really good beer and I'd suggest one for any slow-sipping occasion, two if you're enjoying a nice relaxing night by yourself with a group of fellow craft beer enthusiasts (or a stressful day at work).

Contact info:
Twitter: @fullpintbrewing
Availability: This is a seasonal, but I know for sure you can find it at Vintage Estate in Boardman, Ohio and Whole Foods Market in Wexford, PA among many other places I'm sure. Keep an eye out for this bad boy and let me know what you think in the comments below!

Enjoy good beer and good friends,

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